Societees Who are you?

About SocieTees

Hey! We are SocieTees, vintage inspired t-shirt creators, classic movie addicts, TV-show enthusiasts, all-night gamers, Horror fans, American Icon lovers & Rock & Rollers. We create t-shirts that put a smile on your face and pulls at the heart strings as the wave of nostalgia rolls over you.


Everyone belongs to a Societee of like-minded people – whether you love nerding out to old Bruce Lee flicks or rocking the air-guitar to AC/DC or reciting every line to Scarface. We are friends with people who love what we love and enjoy doing what we do. These shirts are not just shirts, they are a badge of honor or a conversation-starter or even a uniform in your Societee…. because everyone belongs somewhere.


Societees is all-inclusive to all types, shapes and sizes, we offer awesome vintage-inspired t shirts created with passion in Miami, printed with love in Alabama and shipped everywhere in a huge range of sizes (up to 6XL). These are high quality new t-shirts that are created specifically to have the look and feel of a vintage tee, we are proud to bring retro memories to life for every Societee.

So who am I?

I’m Sam, I came up with the SocieTees concept because I realized we always use our t-shirts to make a statement to the world. To find our people and, as cheesy as it sounds, make friends. 

How do I know this? Because I do it!!

When I first moved to the USA I knew no-one, I wanted to meet cool people. People’s dress sense tells a lot about a person. So I used it to open conversations. If you wear a vintage-style Def Leppard t-shirt I assume you have great taste in music and an appreciation for rock classics – so that’s a conversation starter. It’s a more refined approach than sports jerseys (anyone can support a team) and way easier than a suit & tie!

If you like my filter-free attitude and get my humor then we can get along. If you don’t “get” the name of the shop, then maybe I’m not your people. If you think we get along, then sign-up to my newsletter below.


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Printed in the USA
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Awesome vintage-style inspired graphic Tees for every occasion. Everyone is part of a SocieTee of like-minded people – Join Your SocieTee
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