Masters of the Universe He-MAn as Santa

Father's Day T-Shirts for Father Christmas

Sam S – Dec 6 2023

What to buy Dad for Father’s Day? He already has everything he wants right, so it’s the thought that really counts for Father’s Day! Look, if you get it right with an awesome T-Shirt, that gets his sense of humor, his interests AND that he would wear in front of his friends – then you can be proud!  What would he actually wear in public? Does your dad think of himself as Father Christmas?

Could you or your Dad be a Father Christmas?

Is your dad Santa every year? Does he get a lil too excited for the festive season, more than his kids? Do the Christmas decorations go up wayyyy too early, like just after Halloween? Do you spend hours searching the neighborhood together looking for the ‘perfect’ Christmas tree? Does your house have more xmas decorations than the rest of your street collectively. Does he have a Xmas playlist that goes on daily? Does the entirety of December feel like you are living in the North Pole. Do you go carolling? If he has more than 2 Xmas-themed t-shirts – then he may be a Father Christmas!

    1. There are multiple Christmas activities like seeing the town xmas tree lighting
    2. Has handmade christmas tree ornaments from another generation
    3. Ensures everyone still believes in Santa, yet keeps his Santa Claus costume freshly pressed
    4. Made you write letters to Santa… and then mails them!
    5. You all bake xmas cookies, as a family, more than once, in January!
    6. Spends hours scouring all the christmas tree sellers in town for the perfect one – it will NEVER be plastic
    7. Your house has more Xmas lights than your entire block, the December electricity bill is insane
    8. Still dreams of a white christmas, in Florida, in July
    9. He will always host Christmas. ALWAYS.
    10. Complains that Christmas has become too commercial and wants us to get back to tradition

Words to live by:

“Tis the season to be jolly. Fa-la-la-la-lalalalalala!”

His hobbies include: 

    1. Putting up Christmas decorations, wayyy too early
    2. Teaching the family his Christmas traditions
    3. Being the local neighborhood Santa

His ideal gift would be: 

The ideal T-shirt gifts for him:

I compiled a list of t-shirts for Father’s Day that should cover all bases!

Check out the Dad SocieTee for more inspo

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