I want Novelty Christmas tees that don’t suck! The idea is funny but I want awesome t-shirts I can rock out on christmas and then wear all year round. Well, I have highlighted 10 Christmas Rock t-shirts that will be the talk of Xmas dinner and the bar after. These also make genius Christmas gifts for that music-addict in your life, even if that is you! Christmas is About to Rock!
Lets start!
Some people want some Agent Provocateur for Christmas! We start our Xmas Top 10 with this Foreigner tee which seamlessly combines the Tacky Xmas Sweater styles with their Agent Provocateur album cover. This theme of a knitted Christmas Sweater is gonna crop up a few times so may as well start here. If you are looking for a provocative answer to Xmas t-shirts then this is it.
Glam rockers KISS appear in the Top 10 twice. Look, if we are gonna be honest, they are the only rock band that could be squeezed successfully into the word Christmas and they took full advantage! Here we see our favorite painted faces stood stalking scarily outside a snow-covered window. They are watching over us to make sure we have a Merry Kissmas… or else!
A cult favorite festive song, I Want You For Christmas by Cheap Trick was released in 2012 – a parody of their hit I Want you to Want Me. Another fact is that Cheap Trick love Christmas! I know this because they are 1 of only a few rock bands to put out a Christmas Rock Album. It’s a fun song and a funner shirt – it’s got a guitar-playing snowman!
Remember those Ugly Christmas Sweaters we used to get as kids? Well, they just got cool! Alice Cooper = Cool; Boa constrictor snake = cool; Skulls = Cool – put them altogether in a faux-knit fairisle style t-shirt and you get this masterpiece – complete with baubles! Make-up sold separately…
But seriously folks, Alice Cooper loves Christmas. He holds his annual Christmas Pudding bash to raise money for great causes.
It’s that Tacky Xmas Sweater time of year, and if you love the Dark Side of the Moon as much as I do, then you gotta wear this shirt at Christmas dinner. It’s a vintage style print, but you may be fooled into thinking that it’s wool-stitched Xmas sweater because of the awesome print! BUT, unlike an itchy, scratchy wool top – you can wear straight from family dinner to the bar after! This cool tee has the trademark Pink Floyd DSOTM Logo and Prism in a woven stitch-style print with a snowflake pattern to add to that wintry, Christmas feel. A winner for all of you who aren’t just Another Brick in the Wall! Truly the Thinking man’s choice for Xmas tees
Rock! Rock! Til You Drop in this Christmas Pyromania T-Shirt! No Foolin’, you won’t get Stagefright when you wear it for your Xmas Photograph! And if you got all the track references so far then you really deserve this tee! This shirt is all Action not Words as it seamlessly combines the Tacky Xmas Sweater feels with British heavy metal stylings of Pyromania. The print has a woven stitch-style print of the Def Leppard logo and the target from the Pyromania album cover with a snowflake pattern to give it that Christmas vibe.
The big question is: do Def Leppard have a Christmas song?
You got me ringing Christmas Hell’s Bells! This shirt swaps satan for santa merging the Tacky Xmas Sweater styles with the devilish AC/DC Hell’s Bell’s... but this is definitely a Christmas Rock Tee. Why? Bells = Christmassy; Holly = Christmassy; Snowflakes = Wintry – Need we say more? Oh yea, it’s in the style of a knitted Christmas Sweater! The print has a woven stitch-style print of the AC/DC Hells Bells album cover with a snowflake and guitar pattern to give it the Christmas feels. More Jingle Bells than Hell’s Bells!
The big question is: do AC/DC have a Christmas song?
The ultimate Heavy Metal Christmas album is Twisted Christmas by Twisted Sister, a full 11 Christmas Carols given the glam rock treatment by Dee Snider & crew! Epic renditions of “Oh Come All Ye Faithful” belted out over heavy guitar makes the eggnog go down sweeter. This t-shirt shows the Twisted Christmas album cover with twinkly Christmas wreath behind the trademark Twisted Sister bone logo. We Wish You a Twisted Christmas!
Bringing it more current, Weezer MUST be included in any Christmas rock list because they have release not 1 but 2 Xmas EP’s – Christmas with Weezer anyone? Weezer pioneered rock covers of Christmas Carols… and they’re pretty good too! This is a funky festive t-shirt with a starlit evergreen Christmas wreath surrounding the band and snow falling all around, it truly is the Most Weezerful Time of the Year! This shirt has been our rock Xmas bestseller the last 2 years in a row, which is why it’s now 2nd.
The original glam rock showmen wanna rock and roll all night and Christmas party every day! Bring on the family Christmas dinner wearing this KISS conversation starter! What’s not to love about this ultimate festive Christmas Rock T-Shirt. Combining the festive red and green with legendary painted faces of KISS with a touch of snow for good effect. After a long hard night of delivering gifts and munching cookies, Santa rocks out in this T-Shirt (probably).
I like to write my thoughts often, some people have told me I'm funny and relatable, I will let you decide.
I give away t-shirts often, usually to people I like, or people that post photos or to just generally cool peeps! So if you like a message, write me back, I will respond
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