Y’all need to learn some Respect

Sam’s TeeMail Monday November 7th 2024


The world is a bit of a mess right now, we can all admit that. There’s a whole lotta news and fake news being broadcast. There’s also a whole lotta people speaking loudly about shit they know nothing about. We need a PAUSE and we need to learn some Respect

We need a pause for these protests and marches right now, because we need to show some Respect the Veterans that we remember this weekend.

I didn’t serve, but I have immense Respect for those that did. My veteran friends have said to me that this proud country is starting not to look like the place they enlisted to protect. HOw F***ed up is that.

Don’t be ignorant, learn your facts before you speak and above all, show Respect to others. Especially to those who fought to protect your future.

Stay safe



